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How To Cook Indian Food – From Beginner To Pro

How To Cook Indian Food – From Beginner To Pro

Everything you wanted to know on how to start cooking Indian food at home. This step-wise guide explains the basics of Indian Cooking from spices, methods, cookware and easy Indian recipes to make. 

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Indian cooking has the reputation of being exciting, intriguing and for some overwhelming at the same time.

When I started giving Indian cooking classes, I became aware of the  confusion and hesitation when it came to Indian home cooking.

One of the questions most asked is ‘How to cook Indian food, so that it tastes authentic and makes it easy to cook Indian food at home?’

This post is the ultimate A-Z guide to Indian cooking for dummies which will explain in detail the basics of Indian cooking by first introducing the must-have Indian spices, and pantry items, follow the Indian cooking style , useful cooking tips used by Indian home cooks and finally list some easy Indian cooking food recipes perfect for beginners.

Basics Of Indian Cooking

Cooking Indian food posses a different challenge due to the myriad (seemingly so) of spices and ingredients to make a basic Indian dish.

A majority of people especially a beginner Indian cook find the recipes and method too lengthy, time-consuming and complicated?

This cannot be far from the truth. Indian home cooking can be as simple with limited ingredients or as complicated depending on your choice of Indian food that you choose to make.

Before we embark on the basics of Indian cooking, let me clarify that if you have made a soup, you can surely cook Indian food.

The aim of this post is to introduce you to Indian style of cooking to make a dish and save you the pounds! (both from your wallet and belly)

Whether you are cooking Indian food at home or eating at the restaurant, most Indian dishes on an average use a minimum of 7 ingredients.

These include the raw ingredients, spices and herbs all brought together by following a specific cooking process.

To make it easy for you to learn Indian cooking, I have broken the guide into separate sections. These form the basics on how to make Indian food for a beginner to understand and follow. These are:

  1. Essential Indian spices
  2. Indian cooking tools and cookware
  3. Indian cooking methods, process and cooking terms
  4. Balancing of flavours for an authentic Indian taste
  5. Beginner Indian cooking tips

Cooking Indian food requires a bit of practice, so gear up your sense of smell and taste, grab a glass of your favourite wine/juice, play some music and get stuck in.

Spices In Indian Cuisine  

One of the distinctive and perhaps confusing element of Indian cuisine is the use of spices.

Spices form an integral part of cooking which makes it different from other cuisines.

If you are a beginner to cooking Indian food, I suggest you begin with using spices often and become comfortable with them.

All you need is to understand the type of spice and use your sense of taste and smell.

5 Essential Indian Spices

If it is the long list of spices that deters you from making Indian food at home then I suggest starting with these 5 basic Indian spices that is used to make almost 85% of Indian dishes.

1. Cumin Seeds (Jeera

organic whole cumin seeds-buy online
Click Image to buy Cumin seeds online

Cumin seeds is a whole spice very frequently used in Indian cooking to add a characteristic nutty, smoky note to dishes.  They are tiny brown seeds with a very intense flavour.

Flavour and Cooking Uses â€“ They can be used whole, roasted or in ground form. Add it to temper with oil to make tadkas, saute vegetables.

2. Cumin Powder (Jeera powder)

Ground- cumin-powder-image-jeera -powder-indian-spice buy indian spice online spiceitupp
Click image to buy cumin powder online

Made from cumin seeds ground cumin powder is easily available in any supermarket or you can make your own from whole cumin seeds.

Flavour and Cooking Uses â€“ It is smokier in flavour as opposed to the woody flavour when in whole form. It can also be used directly in the cooking process or to make marinades.

3. Coriander Powder (Dhania powder)

Coriander powder
Click image to buy coriander powder online

Made from dried coriander seeds, this powdered spice is a must-have in an Indian kitchen.  My recommendation would be to make it fresh from whole seeds just like cumin powder but stick to the powdered version for convenience.

Flavour and Cooking Uses – Woody and aromatic, it lifts the flavour of the dish . Use straight into the dish during the cooking process and saute well.

Can also be used to make marinades and other spice blends.

4. Garam Masala Powder

Indian- garam- masala-powder-image buy indian spice online spiceitupp
Click image to buy Garam Masala online

The King of Indian spices. This is one spice that no Indian kitchen can do without.

It’s simply a must-have to start your Indian pantry.

Garam masala powder is essentially a blend of different spices.

Different regions of India have their own garam masala blends but its the North Indian Garam Masala blend which is broadly used in most dishes.

A note to remember is not to confuse Garam Masala with curry powder.

They are two different spice blends with different uses.

Flavour and Cooking Uses – Robust and strong in flavour. Garam masala can be used directly during the cooking process or sauteing or right at the end of cooking to impart flavour to the dish.  Can also be used to make marinades.

5. Turmeric (Haldi powder)

turmeric-powder-haldi-image-indian-yellow -spice buy indian spice online spiceitupp
Click image to buy turmeric online

This is the famous ‘yellow spice’ which gives most Indian curries the characteristic yellow colour.

More of a colouring agent than a flavouring agent, this spice is now considered the new ‘Super Food’.

An offshoot of the ginger family it is known for it’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Flavour and Cooking Uses-  An earthy woody flavour, turmeric is used directly during the cooking process or sautéing to add colour to the dish along with its additional health benefits.

Besides the above 5 main spices, I have also made a list of Indian spices most commonly used here.

How to cook Indian food cooking tips pinterest image

Recommended Cookware For Indian Cooking

Although you do not need any specific cookware for cooking Indian food at home, however there are some typical Indian utensils used for Indian home cooking in India.

Modern times and smaller workspace mean a limit on what you can keep in the kitchen.

But if you do intend to become regular with Indian food cooking then it may help you to have few basic cookware and spices to start with.

Most can be used for your daily cooking anyway.

5 Essential Indian Cookware

Indian cookware also depends on the kind of Indian regional cuisine you cook.

North Indian cuisine use straightforward cookware which most non-Indian households may already have.

However, Southern Indian cuisine uses specific cookware which is a must for cooking South Indian food.

Since we are talking about beginners we will stick to the basics and list cookware and gadgets that help in easier and faster cooking.

Listed below are few of my recommended utensils which you may already have and if not can be bought from any big store or online store.

  1. Stainless steel heavy bottomed deep cooking pot
Indian pot and how to cook indian food
Click image to buy online

For slow cooking lentils and meats, making gravy based dishes, rice and biriyanis. Buy those with comes with fitted lids.

2. Deep bottom frying/saute Pan

How to cook Indian cook . Essential Indian cookware
Click image to buy online

A good sauteing or frying pan is useful for making semi-dry dishes such as bhunas at relatively medium temperature.

Non – stick, anodised or Teflon coated frying pans are good for sauteing at low to medium temperature.

A small and medium-sized pan is recommended to fit the quantity of cooking.

A small pan can also be used for roasting spices.

3. Kadai (Indian wok)

Kadia pan - Indian cookware to cook Indian food
Click image to buy online

Kadai is the most essential and traditional Indian cookware in all Indian households.

They are wok-shaped deep pans perfect for braising, deep frying and making all kinds of Indian dishes and sauces.

You can also use it to make pulao rice and saucy gravies.

My personal preference is an anodised aluminium wok.

4. Flat bottomed Frying Pan /Tawa  

Click image to buy online

You may already have this at home for making omelettes and pancakes.

They are also used for making Indian flat breads such as roti’s, paratha’s , naan and chilas (whole grain Indian pancakes).

A non-stick pan is preferred for faster heating and easy cleaning.

5. Pressure Cooker Or Instapot 

Instapot 6 in one pressure cooker

Definitely, not a must have but if you really want to reduce cooking time by half and still have perfectly boiled rice, lentils or succulent pieces of meat then I would ask you to invest in one.

A 3 to 4.5 litre size would do.

I use mine to saute meat to seal the juices in or stir fry veges before cooking it on slow pressure for quick dishes.

The only downside is that you really do need to know the required pressure duration, depending on the kind of ingredient you have used.

Each ingredient i.e. rice, lentils, meat, veg take different times to cook. So you need to follow the cooking guide as per the make of the pressure cooker to use it effectively.

5 Time- Saving Kitchen Gadgets

1. Spice Grinder

Veohome Electric Coffee Beans, Nuts & Spices Grinder Buy online
Click image to buy online

Indian food is synonymous to spices so if you can get your hands on a decent spice grinder or even a coffee/nut grinder then I would ask you to buy one.

They are just so much easier to make your own freshly ground spice mixes and store for instant access and making Indian food.

2. Food processor 

KitchenAid KFP1333QG 13-Cup Food Processor with ExactSlice System - Liquid Graphite
Click image to buy online

I absolutely swear by a good food processor which makes chopping, grating and blending all done in a blitz!

They are also fantastic for making lump-free creamy gravies, marinades, ginger garlic paste and amongst other uses.

3. Mortar and Pestle

Kesper 71501 Mörser mit Schlegel, Granit Granit Mortal and Pestle buy online
Click image to buy online

For quick pounding of small amount of spices, ginger, garlic or herbs I would recommend using a mortar and pestle.

They can also be used to break the spices down releasing the oils and give spices and herbs a great deal of freshness.

4. Grater 

OXO Good Grips Box Grater
Click image to buy online

You may already have one. They come handy when you need to grate ginger, garlic, onion or tomato in small quantity without the need to bring out your food processor.

5. Rolling Pin 

Rolling pin kitchen gadget on how to cook indian food
Click image to buy online

Indian breads are loved by most, so having a good easy flowing rolling pin is an absolute must.

I like the narrower and smaller once compared to the large bulky ones.

You can choose to buy any you wish and are comfortable with as long as it glides smoothly to roll the dough flat and evenly.

The Indian Cooking Style

Now that we have the basic ingredients and starter pack for Indian home cooking, we now need to follow the Indian cooking techniques applied.

Indian cooking methods are not different to other cuisines, however, it is the technique that is applied which differs.

What I mean by ‘the technique’; is the process of cooking food to get it to the right consistency.

Cooking anywhere in the world use a universal method, which is the use of some form of heat, spices and herbs to bring raw food to an edible consistency.

Frying, boiling, sauteing, grilling are some of the most popular methods used to cook food.

Indian cuisine too uses all the methods and few more.

The most used cooking methods used for making Indian food are:

1.Tempering the spices

Temper spices - the tempering cooking method to cook Indian food. Indian cooking Method
Tempering spices in oil

Tempering is a term used when whole spices are roasted very briefly in oil for few seconds.

It can be done either at the beginning of the cooking process or as a final flavouring at the end.

For example, when making a meat dish, whole dry spices such as cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves are added to hot oil to release the flavour and the process of cooking continues.

Tempering at the last stage of cooking is when whole spices, such as cumin seeds, whole red chillies etc are heated in some form of fat and added to the dish, such as boiled lentils cooked vegetables or even meat.

Dry tempering is a popular household method to blend different spices and make spice mixes such as garam masala, curry powder and others.

2.Sautéing (Bhuna)

spicy masala base for Indian meatballs curry recipe
Bhuna cooking style

Most Indian restaurant have ‘bhuna’ classified dishes on their menu, like Lamb bhuna, chicken bhuna etc.

‘Bhuna’ in hindi means to saute.

Spices and fresh aromatics like onion, ginger, garlic, tomatoes are sautéd on low to medium heat in hot oil to make it into a paste like consistency.

While sautéing a little sprinkle of water is added from time to time to prevent the ingredients from burning and sticking to the bottom of the pan

This is one of the most important cooking methods that you need to become familiar for an authentic Indian curry.

It is the process that makes the base of your gravy or sauce. Just like a jus does for thickening and enhancing the flavour of a sauce.

Sauteing is the most time consuming yet important part of Indian cooking. This is were it starts to push your patience levels.

3. Simmering 

Simmering cooking method to cook Indian food. Indian cooking method
Simmering on low heat

This method is similar to boiling but uses half the quantity of water.

It is normally applied as the end process of cooking after sautéing the spices. Adding a cup or 2 of water aids to cook the protein or vegetables used as well as thicken the gravy.

One needs to make sure the quantity of water should be just enough to cover the veg or meat so that it does not get overcooked and lose the flavour.

The Indian Cooking Process

Now that you know about the different spices used in Indian cooking, the cooking methods, its time to bring it together and follow the cooking process that is used to cook Indian food.

Cooking Indian food is a stage-wise process. Each stage of cooking involves finishing the present and then moving to the next.

It is by following this process what will help a beginner Indian cook make the food taste as authentic.

For example, if the recipe asks you to brown the onion, you must brown it first, till it is cooked and the rawness goes and then move to the next.

This may involve adding ginger garlic paste or tomatoes or spices depending on the recipe you are following.

A simple breakdown of the basic steps to follow are:

  1. Heat oil and add whole spices using the tempering method
  2. Add the aromatics that is onions, ginger and garlic and saute until the raw smell is reduced
  3. Add the spices and cook until the raw smell is almost gone.
  4. Add the main ingredients, veg, lentils, meat and continue to cook.
  5. Finally make the base sauce by adding water.

The above steps are just an idea of the cooking stages.

There may be many steps to follow to complete a dish, so you must allow time to cook each ingredient at every stage before moving to the next.

This is where your patience comes to test.

However, if you are hard pressed for time then simply try recipes with limited ingredients or those without any onions. You will save about half the time.

Here are few easy Indian recipes for beginners to inspire you.

How To Balance Taste In Indian Food

Traditional Indian cooking is influenced by Ayurveda, the study of natural science.

According to the Ayurvedic principle, there are 6 elements of taste to every Indian dish. They are

  1. Sweet
  2. Sour
  3. Salty
  4. Bitter
  5. Pungent
  6. Astringent

The tastes are combined in various ways to create the incredible diversity of flavours we experience through food.

Each ingredient in a dish can be classified under a flavour profile.

For example:

  1. tomatoes, lemon juice, yoghurt are sour
  2. pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, sugar are sweet
  3. courgette (some), leafy green vegetables , all spices and herbs have a bitter undertone
  4. Salt is salty
  5. soya sauce, cheese, leafy green vegetables, legumes and pulses fall under pungent and astringent category.

In cooking you bring all the elements of taste together for a balanced flavour.

And one of the best ways to get the right balance is to taste your way at every cooking stage.

If it tastes good to you, it is good to be served.

Indian Cooking Tips for Beginners

Regardless of whether you are new to learn Indian cooking or an established cook, these Indian cooking tips will help you in mastering Indian food with practice.

  • Buy small batches of the 5 basic spices mentioned above to start your spice collection.
  • Get a good quality food processor or at least a mortar/ pestle that will help you in grinding spices, and make ginger garlic paste.
  • Choose a dish which has no more than 7-9 ingredients including spices. They are relatively easy to work with and will give you a head start to understand spices.
  • Cook in small quantities. That way if it does not come out as well then there is less wastage.
  • Do not substitute curry powder instead of Garam Masala powder. They are completely different in flavour and taste. Curry powder is less flavourful and has more turmeric while Garam Masala has robust grounded whole spices without any additionally added turmeric.
  • Taste as you cook. Familiarize yourself with the spices you have used and adjust the seasoning and spices to your liking.
  • DO NOT add a whole lot of chilli powder to the dish. The heat index of any Indian dish is as per personal preference. Keep it to what suits you and not add it simply because the recipe calls for it.
  • Cook rice properly. Most Indian dishes go well with plain boiled rice. If the rice becomes too mushy or soft then the flavours of the spices used get compromised! If not sure about cooking the perfect rice then simply buy cooked rice from a store or Indian breads like Naan to go with it.
  • Most Importantly enjoy what and when you cook. Prepare and organise a bit ahead of time before you start cooking. In that way you can follow the recipes without getting distracted with prepping while cooking.

Online Indian Cooking Classes

If you are still unsure and would like someone to show you how to make Indian food in the comfort of your home, explain the cooking process, simply the spices and prepare a home cooked Indian meal then join a fully interactive online Indian cooking class.

Watch this short video to see an online class in action:

The classes are more than just following a recipe.

They guide you through a stepwise process and share the many cooking tips you can only learn from an expert cook.

Check the latest online classes on offer here.

Easy Indian Food Recipes for Beginners

Now that you and your kitchen is well equipped with the essentials for cooking your favourite Indian curry at home, let’s get started.

I have selected 10 easy Indian recipes for beginners that have been tried by me and others.

I would recommend you to first start with these recipes and slowly build on your recipe bank.

Recap Of The Beginner Tips To Cook Indian Curry

I do hope that this guide has explained much of your questions on how to cook authentic Indian food at home.

The difference between cooking Indian food and other dishes is the use of spices and the applied cooking method.

Once you become comfortable with the idea of the what type and when to add spices to a dish and how long to cook with the right process, cooking Indian food becomes easier and simpler.

The list of cookware will help you have better control over cooking, while the essential spices list is a good point to get started with cooking Indian food at home.

Equipped with these cooking tips you will be on your way to please your pallet!

Please do post your comments and questions here so that I can help you further.

If you find this guide on Indian cooking tips for beginners helpful, then please do take a second to click the share button below! 

Thankful for every click to share:

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6 years ago

Another well written post! As much as I love to eat Indian food from time time, I am very much intimidated when it comes to try to cook it. Haitians food are also lengthy, but Indian foods have a little bit steps to help create the perfect dish. I love how well written this post is. Very detailed!

Sreya Gupta
6 years ago

Hi! I’m from India. I loved reading this article. Even being from India I don’t know how to cook south Indian dishes. It’s impossible for an Indian to know how to cook all the Indian dishes. As you said, every household has its own dishes here.

6 years ago

Very awesome detailed post. I’ve recently started tempering spices. It definitely brings out great flavor in dishes. I love going out for Indian food. The only dish I’ve become pretty good at making are chapatis. Those are a regular in my home. Yum.

6 years ago

Wow, cooking indian food is an art! I love indian food and although I can cook a little, your guide gave answer to many questions I had in my mind when I’ve followed an indian recipe before. Hope I can improve my cooking with your tips here, as for example there are some recipes that I just can’t get them well done. Great Post!

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