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What Is Kasuri Methi In Indian Cooking AND How to Use IT

What Is Kasuri Methi In Indian Cooking AND How to Use IT

Dried Fenugreek leaves or kasuri methi is a lesser known Indian herb that gives a unique flavour to Indian dishes. Read more to find out what it kasuri methi and how to use it in dishes. 

what is kasuri methi
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The use of Kasuri Methi in Indian cooking is centuries old especially when it comes to North Indian curries. Not only does it add flavour to food but dried fenugreek leaves has many health benefits.

It is classified as a herb and is perhaps one of those secret ingredients used in Indian restaurants to add an instant flavour boost to many dishes.

What Is Kasuri Methi

Fenugreek is a type of plant that grows wild in the ‘Kasur’ region of Punjab, (now part of Pakistan) hence the name ‘Kasuri Methi’.

It is the leaves of the fenugreek plant (‘methi’ in hindi), that is sundried and stored for culinary use.

It can be largely classified as an Indian herb rather than a spice as the use of dried fenugreek leaves is similar to the uses of dried basil, rosemary, thyme etc.

The uses of methi or fenugreek plant can be found in many forms and used in different ways for making a dish: Different forms of methi are:

  1. Fresh methi leaves
  2. Dried Methi leaves or dry fenugreek leaves
  3. Fenugreek seeds
  4. Fenugreek powder

The different parts of fenugreek can be used in different ways in cooking. We discuss about the uses of fenugreek in different forms in the sections below.

Video On Use Of Kasuri Methi

Watch this short video describing the cooking uses of dried fenugreek leaves, benefits and storage.

Is Kasuri Methi and Fenugreek Powder Same?

In this post I use methi and fenugreek interchangeably that may be confusing for some. It is the name of the same spice in different languages:

‘Methi’, is the Indian name for fenugreek plant or fresh fenugreek leaves. While Dried Fenugreek in Hindi is called Kasuri methi or kasoori methi.

Kasuri methi in Spanish – Secas fenogreco hojas

Kasuri Methi in German – Trokene bockshornklee blaetter

Kasuri Methi in French – Sec fenugrec feuilles

A point to note is that Kasuri methi is not the same as fenugreek powder or seeds.

Each form of fenugreek have a specific cooking purpose and use. Below are the uses of fenugreek:

  1. Fresh methi leaves – It is a popular and healthy Indian leafy greens used fresh to make Indian dishes such as methi alu, methi saag,  methi parantha and many others.

2. Fenugreek seeds- It is a spice that is used whole tempered in warm oil.

3. Fenugreek powder – It is the powder form of the seed and used directly in the dish while cooking.

4. Dried fenugreek leaves – It is the dried form of the fresh leaves used as a flavour enhancing herb in dishes.

How Does Kasuri Methi Taste

Kasuri Methi has a strong pleasing aroma when slightly similar to maple syrup.

It is one of those spices, that although enhances the taste of the dish, but is better not to taste it raw.

It is bitter to taste, but does not make the dish bitter, instead it makes it aromatic.

Interestingly, fenugreek tastes like and is similar to fresh fennel bulb or celery.

what is kasuri methi and the benefits

How To Use Kasuri Methi

So if it is a herb and a spice when to add kasuri methi while cooking?

As mentioned Kasuri methi can be classified as a dried herb. Cooking with fenugreek is very common in the Northern part of India.

The use of dried fenugreek leaves in cooking is similar to that of using basil, thyme, rosemary that is as a flavour and aroma enhancer.

Ideally it is added as a seasoning at the end of cooking. However you can also add them during the cooking process.

The dried leaves of fenugreek release flavour when added to any dish.

There are two ways to use kasuri methi leaves in dishes. You can either dry roast the leaves before adding to the dish or add it as it is.

Dry roasting the leaves for a minute and crushing them gentle in your palm before adding to the dish enhances the flavour further.

Here are few tips on cooking uses of kasuri methi.

  • Kasuri Methi can be used to make curries or dry dishes. Add right at the end of cooking as a seasoning.
  • It can also be added to dips and is especially good with yoghurt and in hummus.
  • Crush few dried fenugreek into any bread dough, it is also used to make Indian breads.
  • Add kasuri methi to stir fried or roast vegetables.

How To Dry Roast Kasuri Methi?

Few recipes may have fenugreek leave powder written as an ingredient.

Don’t be puzzled by it. Its simply dried fenugreek leaves ground into powder.

All you need to do is dry roast it for 2-3 minutes stirring constantly remove it from heat and let it cool before crushing it to make powder.

Alternatively, you can also put it in the microwave and warm it for 30 seconds.

A word of caution if using a microwave. Since the leaves are very thin and delicate be careful not to overrun microwave time. It can burn or even catch fire.

What Food Combination Are Best with Kasuri  Methi

Dried Fenugreek leaves are very versatile and combine with most foods. Some of the best combinations with dried fenugreek leaves are:

Best food pairings – legumes such as chickpeas, red kidney beans, yellow lentils; starchy vegetables such as pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, yam; Meat like chicken, lamb, beef; Fish and seafood esp prawns, carp and crab.

Best spices pairings – cumin seeds, cumin powder, coriander powder, mustard seeds, garam masala powder,

Substitute for Dried Fenugreek Leaves

Kasuri methi has a very distinctive strong flavour which can be a bit hard to replicate.

Since it is not very easy to find fenugreek leaves in ordinary supermarkets you can substitute the flavour with these ideas:

  1. For every teaspoon of dried fenugreek leaves use 3 tsp of fresh fenugreek leaves.
  2. If you are unable to find fresh fenugreek leaves, use 2 parts finely chopped fresh celery leaves and 4 parts chopped fresh fennel bulb instead of a teaspoon of Kasuri methi.

More ideas of the best substitute for kasuri methi in the post here.

Where To Buy Dried Fenugreek Leaves

It may be difficult to find this authentic Indian herb in normal super market.

If you happen to have a local Indian store nearby you are sure to find it on the shelves.

But the convenience of internet shopping has made it easier to buy.

The Spice house has a range of International spices and spice blends that can you can simply click to buy and will be delivered straight to your doorstep.

Their Kasuri methi leaves are fresh and aromatic.

dried fenugreek leaves buy online
Click image to buy online

One of the most popular Indian brands what is available worldwide is this Kasuri Methi pack from MDH.

Dried Fenugreek Leaves Benefits

Helps in digestion – Being high in water-soluble fibers it can help ease constipation. This is why many natural digestive Ayurvedic medicines have dried fenugreek as one of the key ingredients.

Maintains a healthy level of cholesterol – Because of the high fibre content, it helps the body by preventing the access absorption of cholesterol by eliminating the fatty acids from the body.

Controls diabetes – Kasuri methi prevent an increase in glucose level by regulating the production of insulin in the body thus preventing type 2 diabetes.

Aids weight loss – The high fibre content also helps to keep those extra kilos off by aiding digestion and maintaining a good metabolism.

Healthy skin and hair – The antifungal and antibacterial properties of fenugreek, help to keep the facial skin pores germ-free and healthy. Applying a paste of Kasuri methi ground to a powder helps to get rid of skin blemishes. While the paste also helps to promote healthy hair and keep it dandruff free!

You can read the list of many other dried fenugreek leaves benefits here. 

How to Store Kasuri Methi/Dried Fenugreek leaves

Being a strong herb, proper storage of Kasuri Methi is important.

If stored incorrectly you risk the volatile aroma to escape.

Always store dried fenugreek seeds in an airtight container away from direct light.

If you have bought the herb in a bag then make sure you close the bag tightly may be using a good quality food clip such as the one below.

It is good to use the herb within a year of it being opened.

To Conclude

If you fancy adding an authentic and exotic flavour to your Indian dishes, I could definitely recommend using dried fenugreek leaves as a seasoning.

It is so easy to use.

All you need to do is add a small handful, rub it between your palms (not a must, you can add a spoon directly too) and add it to the dish a minute or two before taking it off the heat.

Be careful when using kasuri methi though as it can be a bit overpowering.

Just a small amount that is 2 – 3 tsp should do the job for a serving made for 4 people.

Don’t be afraid of experimenting with this truly ethnic Indian spice. If you love Indian food, you will like this for sure.

What is kasuri methi infograph

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3 years ago

I’ve taken fenugreek as a supplement before but had no idea it was used in cooking too! Thanks so much for this great info!

Lisa Lotts
Lisa Lotts
3 years ago

I have a container of powdered fenugreek in my pantry, but haven’t used it yet. I was surprised by the maple aroma. Thanks for this post, you’ve demystified this for me! Now I need to USE IT!

Beth Sachs
Beth Sachs
3 years ago

I love the smell of fenugreek. Some great information in this blog post.

Michelle | Sift & Simmer

Such an informative post! I’ve got a large bag of fenugreek to use, so now I’ve got some ideas on how to use it. Thanks 🙂

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