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What is Coriander Seed used for in cooking?

What is Coriander Seed used for in cooking?

Many are familiar with ground coriander. But did you know what is coriander seed used for in cooking and how is it different to cilantro and other types of coriander? This post explains the uses, benefits and flavour of coriander seeds. 

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Citrusy, woody, subtle yet impactful, coriander seeds is perhaps one of my most favorite spices of all and also one of the essential Indian Spices to have. 

You may not think much of them when you smell it at first, but crush the seeds open and your nose will be filled with earthy freshness.

Most of us are familiar with coriander leaves or cilantro or ground coriander for cooking

So what are coriander seeds and how do you use them for cooking?

All explained here.

What Are Coriander Seeds?

Coriander seeds come from the flowers of the coriander plant.

Small round brown crunchy seeds that taste completely different than fresh coriander leaves or cilantro.

Coriander seeds are commonly used in Egyptian,  Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Indian cuisine.

Subtle, versatile with an unassuming flavour, these tiny gems are a treasure to keep.

What Are The Other Names Of Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds in English – Coriander seeds, whole coriander

Coriander seeds in Hindi (Indian) – Sabut Dhania

Coriander seeds German – Koriandersamen

Coriander seeds  French – graines de coriandre
Coriander seeds Spanish – semillas de cilantro

What Does Coriander Seed Look Like

There are three different types of coriander used in culinary usage. These are:

  1. Ground coriander
  2. Coriander seeds and
  3. Fresh Coriander leaves or cilantro

Each have different tastes, look and uses.

Coriander seeds are the seeds of the plant. They are small soft seeds light brown in colour.

What are coriander seeds, types of coriander

What Does Coriander Seeds Taste Like

Coriander seeds fall into the warm/ sweet spice category. Which means that it is a popular spice to use as a base ingredient to make spice mixes.

It has a mild citrusy flavour.

Like cumin seeds,  it has an earthy aroma and rich in volatile oils that gets released when roasted lightly on direct heat or in oil.

Coriander seeds can be used to make many dishes especially stews, soups, Indian curries, stir-fries,  and a base ingredient for making spice mixes and marinades.

How To Use Coriander Seeds For Cooking

The uses of coriander seeds in Indian cuisine is indispensable.  Being a versatile spices there are many ways to cook with coriander seeds regardless of the type of cuisine.

  1. They are used whole in many Indian dishes as the first step called tempering. Temper coriander seeds in warm oil at the very beginning of the cooking process to flavour the oil before adding other ingredients.
  2.  Since it has a mild flavour content, you can add other spices such as mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cinnamon etc to compliment the flavour. ( more about best spices and food pairings below).
  3. Whole seeds can also be crushed or broken and used to make spice rubs, marinades, and dressings and also as a pickling spice.
  4. Add whole or slightly crushed coriander seeds to stir fries, stews, curries, broths for texture and taste.

What is the Difference Between Coriander Seeds VS Ground Coriander

For many homecooks the common confusion is the difference between ground coriander and coriander seeds.

While coriander seed is a whole spice, coriander powder is the ground form.

Unlike the flavour difference between fresh coriander leaves and its dry counterparts, the flavour of whole coriander seeds and coriander powder is pretty nuanced.

The essential difference is the way they are used within the cooking process.

Like most whole spices, coriander seeds are used at the beginning of the cooking process or crushed to make rubs and marinades.

Coriander powder can be added directly into the dish midway through the cooking process and incorporate the flavours into the dish.

What Is The Best Substitute for Coriander Seeds

The flavour of coriander seeds is mild and subdued.

One has the option of either omitting them from the recipe if you wish.

However, the following spices can be used as alternative substitute for coriander seeds.

Option 1 – Coriander powder

Option 2 – Caraway seeds, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, cumin powder

Best Food And Spice Combinations With Coriander Seeds

Cumin seeds are a flexible spice and go well with any food item and mostly all spices.

Best food pairing: beans, cauliflower, chicken, curry, couscous, eggplant, fish, lamb, lentils, meat, peas, potatoes, rice, soups, stews

Best spice pairing: asafoetida,  bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon,  cloves, cumin seeds, dry chilies, fennel seeds, mustard seeds

what is coriander seeds infographic

What Are The Benefits of  Coriander Seeds 

Below are some of the benefits of using coriander seeds in your daily diet.

Improves skin health – According to a study by California College of Ayurveda, Coriander seeds can help in diminishing skin ailments like eczema, itchy skin, rashes and inflammation as they have antiseptic properties.

Helps cure cough and cold –  The seeds are abundant in Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Boiling them in water and drinking it helps elevate the symptoms.

Keeps cholesterol under check – Coriander seeds are said to contain a compound called coriandrin.  This compound controls the process of lipid digestion, as a result bringing down our cholesterol levels.

Aids Digestion – They are also good sources of fibre, phosphorus, and calcium. They help in the generation of digestive compounds and juices that facilitate the procedure of digestion.

Where and How to Buy Coriander Seeds

Buy coriander seeds that are slightly golden brown in colour and in small packs if you do not intend to use them often.

Ensure that the packs or jars are tightly sealed.

Opt for buying whole coriander seeds instead of coriander powder and make your own coriander powder at home using a spice grinder.

You can buy them directly online from The Spice House 

Coriander seeds
Click image to buy coriander seeds online

How To Store Coriander Seeds

The seeds like most spices can loose there flavour if not used within a certain time.

They should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a dark, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Well stored coriander seeds will keep its character and flavour for almost a year.

Easy Recipes With Coriander Seeds To Try

Bhuna Lamb

Masala Prawns

Vegan khao soi soup

Your Views and Recipes 

Please do leave your comment if you think I may have missed out on something.

I love to hear your kitchen adventures so please share any recipes based on coriander seeds that you love.

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What is coriander seeds

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6 years ago

Great info, thanks for sharing! I used to put crushed coriander seeds into the marinade and kept the meat at least 2 hours before grilling, it gets a marvelous flavor!

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